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SubjectRe: Organization: How Kernel is relased
On Fri, 14 May 1999, none wrote:
> HI ,
> I'm curious about how kernel is contributed and who liberate the versions
> and patchs.
> Does anyone help me ?

In English, we use something called the "future tense." "Does anyone help
me?" Is a present tense question... the appropriate question would be
"Will anyone help me?" :)

> Tanks
> none

For a contribution to the Linux kernel, I believe that you have to email
the patch to whatever developer is in control of that part of the kernel
for whatever feature you'd like. Only catch: It's gotta be against the
_latest_ kernel. They won't patch older versions for you ;).

The person who would release the kernel is officially supposed to be Linus
Torvalds, but I get a feeling that what he'll do is release it and someone
else does the linux-kernel-announce official release bulletin.

Michael B. Trausch
President of Linux Operations, ADK Computers
ADK Computers, Walbridge Office E-Mail:
"Scattered showers my ass!" - Noah

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