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SubjectRe: Wish list for kernel 2.3
torsten_knodt writes:
->now that some people are posting their wish list for kernel 2.3, I'll send
->mine too:
->Network: SCSI over IP

And that brings me to interesting question. Would that be technically
possible to implement IP-over-EIDE ? I figure many cheap-but-good motherboards
come with inbuild EIDE controller, but no Ethernet. Would I want make
clustering, it would be quite easy to connect those motherboards via
EIDE cables.

->I would help coding all this, but someone must say me what to do how. I
->have good C and ASM knowledge, but nearly no knowledge in kernel
->programming. Sorry to say, but the documentation isn't the best.

"Use the Source, Luke." ? :-)

->MM: Dynamic using off free disk space for swapping

BTW: If we ever decide to put this feature in kernel, I belive it should
be disabled by default.

BTW2: It should not be that hard to implement it in user space. You could
have daemon watching for free space and if it gets low, then it could
create new 128mb swapfile and activate it, and so on.... It is not clear
to me though wheter you would be able later to reclaim that space back..

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