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SubjectRe: 2.2.8, 2.2.9 and CD burning
On Fri, 14 May 1999, Trever Adams wrote:
> I have no burned 3 coasters because of odd errors
> out of cdrecord and ruined a cdrw (can't blank it).
> I get a scsi reset shortly after the "retryable" error message. To be
> honest, I don't know if it worked before 2.2.8.

Same symptoms observed here. The problem occurs within the first 3-4MB
(at least for the two coasters I made). Works fine with same hardware
setup under 2.2.7. I don't know what has changed, but I'll be hanging
onto a back-rev of the kernel for a while just for CD burning. The setup
here is a Yamaha CRW-4416S in an external enclosure attached to a BT-948.
The system's disks are also SCSI, and attached the internal interface of
the same BT-948 controller.

The "retryable" error message doesn't produce any syslog output, but the
reset does:

May 15 10:10:23 gherkin kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 71092, scsi0, channel 0, id 5, lun 0 Synchronize Cache 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
May 15 10:10:23 gherkin kernel: scsi0: Aborting CCB #71095 to Target 5
May 15 10:10:23 gherkin kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 71092) timed out - resetting
May 15 10:10:23 gherkin kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
May 15 10:10:23 gherkin kernel: scsi0: Sending Bus Device Reset CCB #71505 to Target 5
May 15 10:10:27 gherkin kernel: scsi0: Bus Device Reset CCB #71505 to Target 5 Completed

Doesn't strike me as being terribly useful info, but I've been wrong
before :-).

Bob Tracy | "They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist- "
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