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SubjectRe: your mail
On Sat, 8 May 1999, Max Eskin wrote:

> I am making a new Linux distribution called Dolphix (see bottom), which
> will be somewhat different from Linux in general.

I will comment on this in private.

> I wish to install a file tracking system so that needed files aren't
> erased. However, instead of doing it like RPM or dpkg, I wish to
> directly modify unlink() and associated functions.

I first understood what you mean when I read your specification. You mean
that unlink() refuses to delete files which are marked as being required
by the package manager.

I must admit, the idea is very nice, but this means hard work. The first
thing to think about is how to handle startup/shutdown situations where
filesystems might not be available ("mount" and "umount" modify files in
/etc, which basically means writing a new one and unlink()ing the old). A
journaled filesystem would make things easier here (if the database is not
available, only schedule files for removal).

> However, I am a novice with C development. Please tell me, which file
> should I look in for the unlink() function?

You haven't even looked at the source yet, have you?


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