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SubjectRe: Something wrong in 2.2.8?????
Michael H. Warfield wrote:
>Pete Clements enscribed thusly:
[FS corruption after 2.2.8 new buffer code croaks]
> Now... With that noise out of my system...
It did cost me about 4 hours to recover from a similar event
here, see my other email in the "OOPS bdflush" thread.
Boy, will I wait my usual 1-2 weeks before testing new _stable_
kernels again...

> Having lost half of my mailbox, it became more difficult to reproduce.
I can easily reproduce it with a simple bonnie (-s 300 in that case, your
millage may vary) and when it gets to "writing intelligently" the waste
product hits the fan...

> After verifying that I could still blow it up on command, I commented
>out "update" out of my inittab and rebooted. This was based on remarks in
>the bdflush rewrite thread.
> I was now unable to reproduce the problem after more that an hour of
>trying. It also felt like the system was MUCH more responsive when I was
>running the torture test.
> I then reenabled the update line in inittab and rebooted.
> I was able to reproduce the hang in less than five minutes.
Actually I could reproduce with and w/o update running, so it looks
much more like a generic race condition in the new buffer code.


// <CB> aka Christian Balzer, Tannenstr. 23c, D-64342 Seeheim, Germany
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