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SubjectRe: Mylex eXtremeRAID PCI Interrupt sharing
  Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 18:18:55 +0200
From: Eduardo Soriano <>


This is a copy of a mail I sent a few days ago without having received any

Hmmm. My mail log shows no email from you arriving at my site in the last
month except for this message. I suggest you check your logs to see if it was
really sent.

Can you pls have a look ? This problem is still pending and solved by the
moment with a system shutdown each 3 days. It feels that the more we keep the
system without a shutdown the more we have this problem, but this remember me
Window$ NT !!

Thanks is advance.


There should be no reason that interrupts cannot be shared between the DAC960
and Adaptec drivers, but that's not a configuration I've ever tried. In order
to look into this further, I'm going to need a more complete description of
your hardware, including motherboard, processors, chipset, and RAID subsystem.
Spontaneous hanging has been reported previously with some non-Intel chipsets,
which immediately disappeared when an Intel chipset based board was used. I
worked on debugging one such case and we were never able to create a completely
reliable system.

As for IPI, that's an Inter-Processor Interrupt used for signalling between


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