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SubjectRe: A challenge to linux
Chris Wedgwood wrote:
> > Please tell me you all are going to go thru with this and bury them
> > :)
> I can't see why M$ would offer such a deal if they though there was a
> chance they would loose.

They wouldn't but that's no excuse not to participate. If this group
has indeed agreed to the terms and complaints that the Linux community
asked for then the new challange should certainly be taken, win or lose.
The fact is that even if Linux loses, there's nothing stopping linux
development from improving its performance and re-testing within 60 to
90 days. NT isn't going to be able to do this. I think we stand to learn
a lot from this test as long as its clear what aspects of NT are better
performers than linux. Is it just the file system? Does the SMP scale
better? Is it just that the particular software that's being run takes
advantage of low-level, undocumented apis that aren't available to the
average application? I'm looking forward to a detailed description of
the contest and its results, whatever the results.


Ben Scherrey

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