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SubjectRe: Multiple ide DVD/CD devices question
Ok. Common misconception

There are no drivers to read the DVD file system. The DRIVE is just an
ATAPI device. Linux will pick it up first time.

On Wed, 12 May 1999, Chuck Campbell wrote:

> I'm picking up a machine this afternoon, and it comes with a DVD drive.
> My understanding is that there are no drivers for these as of yet. I will
> need to install linux from my RH5.2 CD, so I am going to buy a CD-RW
> drive at the same time (I think).
> Questions:
> 1)will the machine be happy under Linux with both devices in place?
> (It will be a quad boot, Linux, NT, Win98, Solaris)
I see no problems.
> 2)are there any experimental/developmental drivers for the DVD?
I've heard of DVD file system drivers in beta somewhere. Don't know where.
The4 drive will read regular ISO9660 cd's just fine tho.

> 3)do CD-RW devices work like CD for the purpose I stated above, or should
> I buy a plain CD device?
Your CD-RW will works as a CD-ROM just fine, as will your DV Drive.

> 4)I need to add another disk for all these OSes. I assume 2 HD's and
> one DVD and one CD are all going to live happily here. Which devices
> need to be primary? I assume the HD's need to be if I want to boot from
> them?

Actually, you CAN boot from a slave device. The system justchecks masters
FIRST. The order I'd to myself is:

Pri Master: Largest HDD
Pri Slave: Smaller HDD
Sec Master: CD-RW
Sec Slave: DVD

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