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SubjectRe: 2.3.x wish list?

- Encryption at the IP level (IPsec?)

Non-exportable, so cannot go into the standard kernel.

Lower bit rates are exportable; 40 bit. Easy to crack but at
least it's there by default, and patchable.

- ext2 is showing its age on larger partitions; my 3 9 gig drives
take about a half hour to fsck, and up to a minute just to mount.

Solved by Stephen Tweedie's ongoing logging filesystem work.

I tried to do a net search for this but couldn't find any info.
Is there a web address or ftp address handy?


No. The kernel needs only to know how to implement a textual console,
provide application access to the device, and allow graphics context
switching. FBCON satisfies all of these goals, except the latter,
which can be easily added and is in fact planned.

OK, thanks. I'll play with it. Is this meant to be a replacement for
svgalib? I understand that there is an fbcon X server... nice to
consolidate the graphics card configuration into one project instead
of two. Where would 3D fit into this (for quake II fps nuts), or is
that outside the scope.


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