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SubjectRe: DMA disabled and busy errors
On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 12:28:09PM -0700, Garner wrote:
> When I do get these messages bad things do seem to happen. ie. compilations
> die, sometime the machine even locks up completely. These messages are almost
> always triggered during some combination of heavy load and disk i/o. And once
> done, DMA remains disabled on all drives on the affected IDE channel. I would
> get this with the vanilla 2.2 kernels quite often with very little
> encouragement. The Unified UDMA patch helps quite a bit but does not solve the
> problem. I end up manually disabling DMA at boot to preserve my sanity.

The disk seemed to slow to a _crawl_. Fortunately it was for mirroring
Debian so it didn't affect the rest of the system much.

> I used to think that it was my chipset(VIA MVP3 on an FIC PA-2013). But seeing
> someone with a BX chipset have these problems has caused my renewed interest.

Mine's on an IBM 300PL (PII) for reference - I'm not sat at the machine so I
don't know which chipset. I havn't tried to trigger it, but it hasn't
happened since that first time.


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