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SubjectRe: Block spam, become removed from the list ...
On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 02:34:18PM +0300, Matti Aarnio wrote:
> Filtering the email by delivering it to /dev/null is also better
> approach, than rejecting it at the input phase. Sure the byte-
> counters spin, but that isn't so bad as becoming removed because
> of over-eager pre-reception blocking based on false rules.

well, I just got on line again and the byte counter spins and will
defnitelky cost money (access is metered here).

basically, all denied/rejected mailk will get a standard mail from my system
which is sent to postmaster (me) also. I always give peple a chance to
'prove' that their address is OK. Some homtmail accts, some freemail accts
etc all are OK but most of them are rejected.

of all mails I receive from such sites, in the last year I use the access
database, I have found _only_ 12 people that actually don't send spam.
all others (counting several hundreds) were simply sending spam.

the time I write this, will have the mail in his queue. I
assume that, since he writes here, that his address ok to keep in the
database as being OK.

Grobbebol's Home | Don't give in to spammers. | Use your real e-mail address
Linux 2.0.34 on an i586/64 MB | on Usenet.

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