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SubjectRe: GNU/Linux

> Almost anything I say will find many people to dispute it, but this
> happens to be true nonetheless. In the Yggdrasil distribution, GNU
> software was some 28 percent of the code, a larger fraction than came
> from any other project. And it includes many of the most essential
> system components (which is no accident)--such as the C library
> through which every user program talks to the kernel.
> A recent count found that FSF-copyrighted software (which is just a
> subset of GNU software) was 10% of the system, and the FSF was
> apparently the largest single copyright holder. I wouldn't say that
> being the largest single copyright holder is terribly important, but
> it illustrates the point that the GNU Project is the principal
> developer of the system.

Yes, GNU has had some effect on the availablity of tools for Linux
Operating System. Yes, many distributions of Linux use a lot of GNU
software. Would it not be more appropriate though to approach the
creators of the distribution with this though? After all, they are the
ones making use of all of this code, and that would bring more publicity
to GNU if they included it, in comparison to getting a "small" group of
kernel-hackers frustrated. The kernel itself isn't GNU, thus it when
referring to the kernel, it definitely shouldn't be called GNU/Linux, even
though GNU software has had an effect on it's availability. (After all,
we don't make that requirement for people who create Apache, X Windows,
any other product being compiled with gcc or using GNU tools to have the
GNU name in it.) I am not saying you are either wrong or right in your
argument for attempting to gain credit, and I am not saying it isn't
relevant to the kernel-list, but I am saying that perhaps you are
approaching the wrong group of people.

Restated: IMHO, You should be approaching the creators of the
distributions. I believe that the impact in that area will give you more
of the desired effect that you are looking for with the people.

Matthew M. Copeland

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