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SubjectRe: Linux 2.2.5 <-> BSDI 4.0
> > The linux machine is a web server running apache 1.3.6. Everything a
> > CGI on the web server writes something to a file on the BSDI machine I
> > get corrupted data. Random numbers garbage etc.
> >
> > Please someone help me out here everything else seems ok.
> Can you get some tcpdumps including the NFS commands. I certainly don't know of
> any case where you would expect to get that kind of corruption over NFS. We
> probably have a couple of corner cases where we handle stuff like opening a file
> then renaming it slightly inexactly or something but not plain wholesale not
> working.
> Alan

Apr 6 12:54:25 reality kernel: RPC: garbage, retrying 4207
Apr 6 12:54:25 reality kernel: call_verify: server accept status: 5
Apr 6 12:54:25 reality kernel: RPC: garbage, exit EIO
[tons of these].

Aehm, the box is running unfsd-2.2beta38, both client and server are

Why does the kernel interfere with unfsd in the first place??
Seems as if I missed some part of the design...

Computer Center University of Freiburg, Germany.
"The whole world is about three drinks behind." (Humphrey Bogart)

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