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SubjectRe: /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes
   Date: 	Tue, 6 Apr 1999 23:50:55 +0100 (GMT)
From: Alex Buell <>

Tarballs (*.tar.gz files) are the true tried and tested method for
distributing _SOURCE_ code. I myself distribute my source code in
tarballs, and in nothing else. I leave it up to the distributors (i.e
RedHat, Debian) to repackage them for their distributions. I think I shall
put in a provision in my sources in future to force people to give an URL
pointing to my tarballs for those who wants it.

Another reason for myself wanting the sources is to protect myself from
knobheads putting out "modified" binaries that leaves my systems with
security problems - see previous articles in this mailing list for the
Utils-linux 2.9i trojan saga.

I distribute e2fsprogs as tar.gz files, but also as RPM files. In
particular, Source RPM files (SRPM's) which are PGP signed by me. So if
you want to make sure you're getting an official e2fsprogs distribution,
get the SRPM and use RPM to check the PGP signature.

(Sure, I could do the same with a tar.gz file, but there would have to
be separate files, and it's a general pain to manage. RPM does add some
real value, for both source and binary distributions.)

- Ted

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