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SubjectRe: 64bit port
Disclaimer: I don't know if this applies to the UltraSparc version at

"Raj, Ashok" <> writes:

> > There are no 32-bit binaries in 64-bit Alpha-Linux, excepting the
> > Intel binaries that run under em86, in which case, there is a special
> > kernel driver and associated userland tools for them.
> This is what i was looking for. So does this mean, if i have a 32bit linux
> application, would it work in the 64bit linux alpha environment?

Well, this begs the question: "What is a 32bit Linux application" in
this case? By definition, all Alpha Linux applications are 64-bit.
There is no 32-bit Linux Alpha mode for either applications or the
kernel. (There is a 32-bit i386 EMULATOR, but it is slow, etc, etc.)

So, this must mean that you have source written to originally be used
on a 32-bit platform. Well, if the source is not poorly-written, a
recompile ought to get it working just fine for you.

> so if this is allowed (mixing 32bit apps with 64bit kernel), the kernel
> should

This is not allowed, on Alpha at least. Everything is 64-bit.

> know somehow that this is from a 32bit land, and convert args properly
> 64bitize
> for internal kernel use and then put them back to 32bit compatible
> quantities as the application expects before returning.

> for eg: solaris has these ddi functions ddi_mmap_get_model() that finds the
> datatype
> model what the current thread is expecting? any such functions in linux for
> the 64bit
> compaibility with 32bit world?

Well, I'm not familiar with those functions, but AFAIK, there is no
such thing in AlphaLinux. I believe DEC has done some fudging with
their C compile to emulate 32-bits for source. This compiler only
runs on Digital Unix, but you can run the generated binaries on
AlphaLinux -- IFF you can get your hands on Digital Unix shared
libraries. So, in this case, the compiler is working the dark magic.

-- John

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