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SubjectRe: IDE chipset support

I have just discussed this issue with Linus yesterday.
In order to get support for the new Super Socket 7's, there was a need to
perform some exotic pre-init. This may be moved to the pci-quirk list,
but I just asked Martin M. about it late last night.

Unless I can reduce the exotic nature of the new code and mainstream it
into what is required..........2.3.X is the introduction in the very near
future. I will not specify a time scale, as I have not asked if I could
disclose that information. It is not a great secret, but I do not have
the authority to make such announcements.

I am trying to find time to restructure the code, but I have very little.
I proposed my work as a candidate for pre-patch-2.2.8-1/2/3, but I I may
have to withdrawl that request for the next pre-patch series.

Since It is first on the list for 2.3.0, and with success and stablity
proven, it will be back ported. Until then, get the patch from below.

On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Riley Williams wrote:

> Hi Andre.
> > I wonder: will the Alladin M1543 IDE chipset be supported in
> > 2.2.x versions or will we have to wait for 2.4.x?
> I can't say whether it will be supported in 2.2.x versions, but if it
> isn't, it will almost certainly be supported somewhere in the 2.3.x
> series so you shouldn't have to wait for the 2.4.x series to start.
> Besides, going on past behaviour, there won't be a 2.4.x series as the
> 2.3.x series will be followed by the 3.0.x series...but that's far too
> far in the future to be certain...
> Best wishes from Riley.
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
> | development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
> | in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
> | else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> *
> *
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Andre Hedrick
The Linux IDE guy

APC UPS Daemon Support Center.
GPLed source on April 7, 1999

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