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SubjectRe: NetGear troubles
On  3 Apr, George Bonser spewed forth:
:: On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, Matthew Vanecek wrote:
:: > Use the driver that NetGear sends with it's cards, assuming it's a new
:: > card. If you bought the card recently, NetGear includes a tulip.c on
:: > it's driver disk in the 'Linux' directory. cp that to
:: > linux/drivers/net/tulip.c, replacing the one that comes with the kernel.
:: > Select the DEC Tulip driver as usual, and recompile the kernel.
:: I have never had any luck with that driver. The problems with it seem to
:: vary from one type of motherboard to another. I think I have the v90Q
:: driver on one machine at work. What I had to do there was send a couple of
:: pings immediately after I ifconfig the interface up. If the interface sat
:: unused for more than a few seconds after ifconfig, it would not work. So
:: my network startup script on that machine now sends ping -c 2
:: >/dev/null and THAT machine works.
:: In any case, I have not been lucky enough to have ANY machine where the
:: supplied driver works. I will drag the v90Q driver over there and see if
:: that will fix it.

You might start looking for other problems, then. I'm not sure what
the v90q stuff is; kinda sounds like a modem. I've used the FA310TX on
both an Abit (BH6) and an Asus (P5A). Make sure that your PCI stuff is
set up correctly. That's what I'd look at. The NetGear drivers have
been tested with the NetGear products, so there's no reason they
shouldn't work. Also, I've had them working (excclusively with the NG
drivers) on 2.0.35, 2.0.36, 2.2.1 - 2.2.5 (ever since I got them).

What application are you using the cards for, anyhow? IS it just basic
network connectivity, or are you trying to hook up to a cable modem or

Matthew Vanecek
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