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SubjectRe: GNU/Linux
On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 02:59:23PM -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> A number of people have asked me to stop posting "off-topic" messages
> about the name of the operating system.
> I regret the annoyance of, and the need for, this thread. But with
> all respect, I believe I should and must respond to the messages that
> others are posting (which is all I have done in this thread). If I
> don't challenge such claims, they will be believed by default. (I
> have avoided responding in cases where I see others have done the
> job.)
> If this thread is annoying, please imagine what it is like to see an
> idealistic project stymied and made ineffective, because people don't
> usually give it the credit for what it has done. If you're an
> idealist like me, that can ruin your whole decade.

There is no _NEED_ for this thread - except in your own mind.

I will tell you that this thread has done more to hurt your cause than
help. I used to ALWAYS mention GNU when talking to anyone about
Linux. Since this infantile horse shit started on this list, I don't
mention GNU anymore at all and I never will again. I cease to give
you any credit for anything Linux related and have begun to expunge
every reference to GNU/Linux on any of the systems under my control.
That happens to be ~600 systems. Also I am removing it from any
upgrade packages I send out.

Your own fault. I'm tired of your damned spam on this list. If I see
much more, I'm going to start being actively anti-GNU.

As far as I'm concerned, my systems now run Linux, NOT GNU/Linux!


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