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SubjectRe: Saving/Restoring the virtual address space of a linux process
On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Cagri Koksal wrote:

> Hi,
> I am working on a process migration process. Without modfying the kernel,
> I want to create an environment, where a linux process may save its
> virtual memory space into a file upon receiving a user signal, may be
> transferred to a different linux box with its memory dump file, and
> restore its state on that box by restoring its virtual address space and
> values of Base Pointer, Stack Pointer and Instruction pointer.
> This is not a complete save/restore of state but some of the state. Some
> portions of the code I've written is below. It fails while
> saving/restoring the address space of the process.

How do you plan to retain the integrity of pointers in the application's
memory space? Unless it has the exact same base address(es) and stack
frame, all absolute pointers will be wrong. Do you plan on compiling with
-fPIC (i think)? I don't think that'd be enough though...

-- Bob

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin

Bob McElrath ( Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison

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