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SubjectRe: ncr53c8xx problems

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Daniel Silverstone wrote:

> Hi
> I have a DawiControl SCSI card and ever since I upgraded my system to
> kernel 2.2.x and modutils 2.1.121 (I think) My SCSI card has been
> playing up. Regularly resetting my SCSI chain if I attempt to do
> any sort of sustained access, e.g. dd'ing an image off CD, or writing
> a CD in my Yamaha 4416 CDRW.
> Mid-late march, someone told me of a patch which would help me bring my
> driver version to 3.2 but two problems arose.
> 1. I can't find the driver patch
> 2. It is for 2.2.4 and pre-2.2.5. I am currently on a 2.2.6 vanilla
> kernel

2.2.6 has ncr53c8xx driver 3.2 and sym53c8xx driver 1.3c which are very
recent driver versions. I have some new diffs, but they are not real
fixes. If you SCSI card is recent, you can use any of these drivers with
it and even configure the both drivers and select a driver for your board
at boot-up (or load the module you want if you prefer modules).

> The filename I was told to download was
> patch-53c8xx-s01-d00-2.2.3
> 1. does anyone know if there is a more up to date version
> 2. does anyone know where I can download it from?

> I would appreciate replies to be either direct to me, or CC'ed to me, as
> I find it difficult to check the entire list regularly due to college
> constraints

Btw, your short description of your reset problem looks like a SCSI BUS
problem or a SCSI device problem (just guessing).


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