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SubjectRe: sync problem in 2.2.5
>>>>> "AC" == Andre Couture <> writes:

AC> Hi all,

AC> Since 2.2.? I have been having a lot of problem using the sync command.

AC> It "hang" my system and sometimes just the window from which I'm running
AC> the command "sync".

AC> It is very consistant (works fine 1 out of 4).

AC> The major difference is that I rencently installed vmware which runs
AC> with nice -19
AC> But I don't see how could that affect the sync command except for the
AC> fac that it is very "io consuming".

Besides the fact that the vmware module just creates a hole in
the kernel security that vmware can climb in, and do whatever it pleases?

I have heard of other instances of vmware cause clock ticks to be missed.

I admit vmware rubs me the the wrong way. But unless you can reproduce
this without vmware, running it's probably not a kernel bug.


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