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SubjectRe: setuids() like setgroups() ?
> However, this is very non-standard and the cances of this getting
> implemented are very low, I guess. The reason I am asking this is that
> I am considering hacking Apache and the kernel for UID swtching -
> wondering if it should be a quick&dirty local hack, or something reasonably
> clean so I can try to get it integrated into Linux and Apache.

How do you solve pid reuse ?

> >the authentication server and then it will get a uid back if valid.
> >Its also about 200 lines of code if that for the kernel
> Aha, that would be SCM_SETCREDENTIALS ? I'm curious about this. It
> seems to be the easiest (and most probable) solution for now.

Yes. Exactly - it then means that a client can for example pass a request
to a server along with the right for the server to assume its identity. And
vice versa the client can ask the server "I want to become fred = auth is .."
and have the server return "no" or "yes - auth sent"

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