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SubjectRe: Swap size proportion
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In message <aBKR2.1816$>, "none" writes:
| What are the proportion of swap size for RAM size ?
| ex. I have 128 mb RAM, what are the best size of my partiiion/file swap ?

There is no single answer. A very rough first approximation that works well
in many settings is 1.5 * memory size --- but the "best" value depends on
what you're doing with the system and what kind of load it gets. A dedicated
NFS server, for instance, doesn't need much (if any) swap, whereas a database
server with many users can need quite a bit of swap unless the database fits
completely in memory.

brandon s. allbery [os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator [WAY too many hats]
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering KF8NH
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