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SubjectRe: smbfs problem with 2.2.5
Steve Dodd wrote:
> I've lost my recent archives for this list, so I don't know the backgound to
> this :( but I thought a while back there was discussion about an enhanced
> smbmount that launched a daemon to manage this sort of thing. There was also
> a debate as to where the latest version of smbmount, smbfs, etc. could be
> found. Have you looked in one of the archives for this discussion? It might
> help, it might not. I hope the former :)
> S.

I was actually part of that previous discussion. The general consensus
was the samba 2.0.3 was *supposed* to have fixed the timeout problems.
Many people seem to be still having problems, however. I'm not sure
about the smbmount daemon thing. My understanding is that smbmount *is*
the daemon.

What it boils down to, it seems to me, is that NT seems to think that
the smbmount client has disconnected. This is probably a bug on NT's
part, but in our martyrdom we are forced to work around and accomodate
the failings of other OS's in ways they would never do for us. :/ So
what we probably need is a hard keepalive generated to the NT server
often enough to keep it from disconnecting, since the reconnect part
doesn't seem to work well.

It's also a little unclear as to whether this is a kernel problem or a
samba problem. All the messages I get in my logs are from the kernel,
for what that's worth.

Matthew Vanecek
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