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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Capabilities in elf
> Hi!
> Here is next version, this one is believed NOT to contain security
> hole. Please take a look, and comment i.e. post me things like "GREAT!
> this is going to be included in 2.2.6".

Few comments:
FPUCW does not have to be exported to userland, unless it changes from the
defaults glibc is aware of for the different architectures. That's how it
has been decided between Linus and Ulrich, so there is no need to muck with
that in your patch.
Allocating such low PT_* value is really asking for trouble. One should use
some high PT_* value in the allowable range.
I don't think Linus will take the patch if you accept there \x7fFLE as magic,
it is really a hackish solution. No userland program will be able to cope
with such executables.
And of course, you'd need to remove all those printks from there to actually
send it to Linus anyway.

Jakub Jelinek | |
Administrator of SunSITE Czech Republic, MFF, Charles University
UltraLinux | |
Linux version 2.2.5 on a sparc64 machine (3958.37 BogoMips)

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