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SubjectRe: Linux vs. tNT ;-) Can sb explain this?
Carlos Costa Portela wrote:
> A member from other list (l-linux, spanish), have sent this two urls:
> Does somebody know what is happening with this data?. Please, compare the
> two URLs.

Well the second one is the now famous mindcraft survey claiming that Linux
is slow compared to NT. The first one is a _clearly_marked_ parody of it,
basically just reversing all the numbers. It is not a real benchmark.

There are serveral reasons to think that the netcraft survey may be
flawed. Its also interesting to note that Microsoft funded the study,
and netcraft also recently released one claiming that NT was far faster
than Netware.

The good folks at Linux Weekly News are compiling a list of problems
with the Netscraft survey in order to have a semi-formal response to
netcraft's charges. Please check it out at:

Folks, PLEASE report your aditions directly to LWN and they will surely
sumerize on their page. We have enough traffic here without discussing
every time someone talks about linux in the press. Press coverage, even
if its slanted, is not a development issue. If you want to talk performance
do your own benchmark and discuss that.


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