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SubjectRe: Static Swap
Hi Brian.

>> I wanted to know wether linux can instead of having a static
>> size swap have a dynamic size swap . That is if there is disk
>> space available that is there is no valid data , that could be
>> used for swap .

>> Static swap also has a problem that when I increase my ram the
>> swap also has to be increased for faster performance...

There's a common misconception that the swap space one needs is
exactly proportional to the amount of RAM one has, and this looks like
a classic example of that...

Can I state FROM EXPERIENCE that the so-called rule that swap space
should be 1.5 times RAM size is BOGUS!!! Some systems need much more,
others run happily on much less...

My experience has been that the following apply...

1. All systems should have at least 4M of swap space, as Linux is (or
at least appears to be) less stable otherwise.

2. Where a system has multiple hard drives, Linux appears to be more
stable with a swap area on each drive than having some drives with
no swap area on them.

3. The sum of RAM and swap space should be at least 32M on a system
that is not running X, and at least 64M on a system that is
running X.

4. Too much swap space is not a problem, but too little swap space
really hurts.

5. If the system in question regularly runs with more than 67% of its
swap space used, more swap space should be allocated.

Personally, I just allocate one 124M swap partition on each drive
installed, always as a primary partition, and leave it at that. I've
never had problems as a result of that policy, and with modern 2G+
drives, the loss of 124M of data area per drive isn't even noticed.

>> ...but cant be done because the partitions are all made . I want
>> to know wether any attempts are being made along this front . I
>> am an enthusiastic programmer and would like to contribute for
>> the above . Please mail me as I am not a member of this group .

> If you need more swap space you can always swap to a file
> instead of a partition. The priority can be set so that it uses
> the swap partition first, then the swap file(s) for better
> performance.

I've never needed to do that, but can understand its use.

> IMHO, if you have unused space (non-partitioned) left on your
> hard disk, it is just being wasted.

True, but irrelevant - whether the space is unused because it hasn't
been partitioned, or unused because no use is being made of the
partition, it's still being wasted at that time.

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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