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SubjectRe: PROBLEM: MO mounting not working w/ 2.2.3+
Alan Cox wrote:
>> * formatted the partition with mke2fs -b 2048 -m 0 -L test /dev/sdc1
>> (mke2fs 1.14)
>> * mounted the partition (as user, with mount 2.9i)
>> * copied my quake2 dir to it
>> * umounted it
>> * rebooted
>> * ran "e2fsck -B 2048 -f -n /dev/sdc1 >/tmp/01" (write-protected disk,
>> e2fsck 1.14). /tmp/01 is 315194 bytes. Tons of errors
>> Please don't tell me this is a feature.
>I got curious enough about what you were seeing to format a disk, unpack
>a kernel tree on it, compile the entire tree on the M/O disk and then unmount
>and fsck it.

Can you please do the same again, then reboot the computer ans fsck it
again? The errors occur here only after a reboot between the format and the
fsck. Sounds weird, I know. But that's what I see here.

>But since you aren't I assume using eject..




Drive A: not responding...Formatting C: instead

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