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SubjectRe: Locked Console/Display
Hi Mark.

> Has anyone on this list experienced a crashed X server locks up
> the Console and the Display? The machine underneath appears
> healthy, it does all its tasks fine. I would prefer not to
> reboot it unless have to. I have come across this problem a
> number of times over 3 years of running Linux.

> The symptoms are a frozen screen saver and a keyboard that does
> not respond at all. Even the scroll/caps lock lights do not
> respond. When I check the task list the Xserver and all the X
> apps have gone, the system is running RedHat 5.1 with 2.0.36
> kernel.

> The machine is on an electronic VDU/Mouse/Keyboard Switch I
> don't think that this is the problem since other machines run on
> the same switch and they are fine.

This might easily be your problem, and if it is, application of switch
cleaner to the switch unit should fix it...

> The other question I have relates to resubscribing to this list
> from a different account: the list server denies me, I think
> either because the IP address of the mail server I am trying to
> subscribe from has been blacklisted and the reverse DNS shows up
> a blacklisted domain, or maybe more simply because the sender
> domain and reverse lookup domain don't match. I am using an
> domain.

You presumably know that is no more? According to their
website, all domains have now expired.

> What are my options? I tried to subscribe my other address from
> the one I am sending from for this, but I got a cryptic message
> in reply that suggested I should know how to do it, but I
> don't!!

Check that your other address is valid for starters...

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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