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SubjectRe: PROBLEM: MO mounting not working w/ 2.2.3+
Guest section DW wrote:

> > by four.) Remind me to mail you a program that does this - write to
> >
>[I have now made this offer on two fora and nobody took me up on it.
>That is good, since it means that people have no problems handling
>the situation themselves.]

Handling this problem is really easy. Copying everything to HDD,
reformatting/repartitioning the MO and copying everything back is nto the
most elegant solution, but it works fine.
In this case it threw up another problem for me though. You also changed the
ext2 code for those devices between 2.2.0 and 2.2.5, right?
When I did the copy-reformat-copyback thing under 2.2.0
(/dev/sdc1->harddisk->/dev/sdc) and then tried to access the MO under
2.2.5, it *mostly* worked, but one copy op gave me an error. I checked the
media with e2fsck - and it found tons of errors. I could repair most, but
some data was lost before I recovered from the first surprise. I then dis
the copy-reformat-copyback again -copying everything to the harddisk under
2.2.0 and formatting/copying things back under 2.2.5
Now it works. 't was a nasty pitfall though.



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