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SubjectRe: caps in elf headers: use the sticky bit!

> No, the kernel still must perform checks before a process creates a file
> with the sticky bit (=cap flag) set. Similar to the current situation
> where root can unpack a setuid root binary, but a normal user cannot.
> Currently, the kernel doesn't care anything about the 'sticky' bit on
> files; I'm just saying let's use it for something useful.

It won't solve the `old kernel' problem.

If you overload setuid bit functionality, it will open a security hole
on older kernels not understanding this extension. (It can bite you only
if you share files between machines running different kernels or if you
switch kernels on the same machine, though.)

If you use the sticky bit for this purpose, a similar situation
can happen: a normal user sets the sticky bit for a file when running
an old kernel where it isn't restricted and then the file becomes
privileged after switching kernels. This can be solved by ignoring
the sticky bit on files not owned by root.

> This is _exactly_ what I'm trying to accomplish; by using the sticky bit
> in the way I've suggested, we can effectively add capabilities to the fs
> in a nicely compatible way. Think of it this way: when a process tries to
> set the sticky bit on a file (=cap flag) or create a file w/ that bit set,
> the kernel reads the capabilities from the elf headers and applies the
> same checks as if the process were trying to set caps in the fs (as we'll
> have with ext3).

Parsing file contents in sys_chmod() is plain ugly.

Have a nice fortnight
Martin `MJ' Mares <>
Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep., Earth
"WINDOWS - What Idiotic New Disk Operating Windowing System!"

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