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I am student in computer sciences at a university somewhere in
Quebec Canada. For my final project I have to change the kernel to allow
root's uid to change dynamicly.

This would break some exploits, and might improve security
slightly. I've been studying the sources for 8 mounth now, and I feel this
could be done with an interface in /proc.

I would like to have some feedbask from some more experienced
hackers. I know this sounds silly at first, but if tou make system calls
lie about the uid of super-user processes, and don't touch the file
system, this can be done relativly painlessly.

I would just like to know why this has never been done, and what
are the implications of this. Also, would such a patch be considered to
become official some day or would this just sit in some folder of an
unknown university hidden getting just a bit dustier every year ?

Any feedback would be appreciated


PS: This piece of software is a masterpiece of coding art. Plus, in some
classes they teach us, this achivment is considered almost impossible for
reasons 1- It is not written is an object oriented language making design
and communication between pieces of software written by diffrent people
very hard. 2- There is no official design for the kernel, meaning that
there is no document that describes clearly design principles, and
communication between diffrent pieces of the software.

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