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SubjectRe: Dual CPUS's of different types?
Looks like no one responded to you.  :(  But I think this would be very
cool. Now we just gotta wait for those spiffy new K7/21264 motherboards
with the 200MHz main come out, and then we can look at
trying to do this. :)

I don't see why the loader (exec.c) couldn't be modified. It can determine
the executable's architecture when you run any ELF binary, so it seems
reasonable that it could also schedule which processor it executes on.

This might do strange things to the SMP code. In fact, it isn't even SMP
proper. It's more like having two totally separate processors sharing a
memory space and devices.

On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Leslie F. Donaldson wrote:

> HEllo,
> I was reading the latest information about AMD's new K7 and there
> use of Digitals CPU interface and I considered the following:
> Take a dual CPU K7 motherboard and insert:
> - K7
> - 21264A Alpha.
> Then run Linux on the Alpha Cpu and patch the em86 code to run
> on the K7 treating it as a seperate device.
> Now I will admit I haven't gone looking through the kernel on this
> issue yet but It seems to me as long as the Alpha is in the primary
> CPU slot and You tell the kernel there is only one CPU it should boot
> and run. Then You would have to create a driver for the second CPU.
> In fact maybe VIA's bios could let you choose which CPU to make the primary one.
> Then You could boot the 21264A when you need to do real work and boot the K7
> to run the game launching OS.
> So what does anyone think?
> Leslie Donaldson
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Bob McElrath ( Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison

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