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SubjectRe: [CFT] rename patch + FAT stuff

OK, here is a new version of FAT patch.
fixed a couple of races in fs/fat/*.c
fixed a bug in fs/buffer.c that gave massive fs corruption in case
of umount immediately followed by mount for all FAT-derived filesystems.

Now it passes most of Gordon's tests for VFAT. The rest is some problem
with internationalization (didn't look into it yet) and yet another case
of old problem with handling aliases. Old code passed the test, but gave
dcache corruption if LongDirName was a directory, you had longdi~1/foo
opened and moved LongDirName. The whole aliases thing requires fixing and
it's the next one on my hitlist. So there... VFAT mostly works.
I still consider it as alpha-quality code. Don't try it on your
living filesystem.
This version still doesn't work with UMSDOS (second item on the
hitlist). It is not suitable for NFS exporting, especially with unfsd
(knfsd will give quite a few stale fhandles in low-memory situation, but
other than that it may work; said that, combined suckitude of NFS and FAT
makes exporting FAT over NFS rather strange idea, unless you are *deep*
into sadomasochism).
Handling of fat_get_entry() is still not optimal (ahem), but at
least it works. To be cleaned up after the aliases stuff and initial
UMSDOS integration.

Patch lives on (incremental over rename-11) (combined).

No changes in rename patch.

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