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SubjectRe: CDROM ioctl errors in 2.0.36
On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Jens Axboe wrote:

>On Tue, Mar 30 1999, Mike A. Harris wrote:
>> Every time I use KDE's CD player, my system is constantly giving
>> CDROM errors every time I use the CD for anything else.
>> Scenario: I run KDE, use the CD player to play an audio CD. If
>> I eject the CD with the program, or with the actual button, I end
>> up getting a stream of errors printed on my console. The only
>> way to stop this is to put an AUDIO CD into the thing. I'm
>> assuming that KDE's CD player is the thing that needs repair
>> here. Nonetheless, it is annoying that a user mode program can
>> dump tonnes of error messages to my console, as WELL as my
>> syslog, which IMHO opens the doors for DoS attacks.
>> If this is a kernel issue, let me know how to fix it. If it is
>> an application issue, how can I fix it at the kernel or syslog
>> level? I really could not care less if there is no CD in the
>> CDROM and the CDplayer software insists on telling me that there
>> is no CD every 5 seconds or whatever - even though I never told
>> it to look for a CD in the first place...
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Could we see what gets dumped to the logs???

Here is one example:

Mar 30 21:31:39 red kernel: sr_photocd: ioctl error (TOSHIBA #1): 0x28000000
Mar 30 21:32:12 red last message repeated 26 times
Mar 30 21:33:16 red last message repeated 56 times
Mar 30 21:34:17 red last message repeated 48 times
Mar 30 21:35:18 red last message repeated 34 times
Mar 30 21:36:19 red last message repeated 30 times
Mar 30 21:37:22 red last message repeated 32 times
Mar 30 21:38:26 red last message repeated 32 times
Mar 30 21:39:30 red last message repeated 32 times
Mar 30 21:40:34 red last message repeated 32 times
Mar 30 21:41:33 red last message repeated 31 times
Mar 30 21:42:33 red last message repeated 30 times
Mar 30 21:43:33 red last message repeated 30 times

This log, kept going on with "last message repeated" entries for
a couple pages. It does it throughout my syslog quite a bit. It
is incredibly annoying getting stupid cdrom message displayed on
my console if they are just irrelevant warnings of some bad cdrom
or something, but if it is a legitimate driver bug, or some other
bug, then I can see good reason for it being logged and dumped on
the console, and I also hope that it can/will be fixed.

As a temporary measure, can you send me a patch to remove the
messages or dump them to /dev/null? It is really annoying...

There are other cdrom errors that appear from time to time. They
just look like warnings to me, basically saying that my cdrom
sucks. ;o)


Mike A. Harris Linux advocate GNU advocate
Computer Consultant Open Source advocate

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