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Subject[Oops] continuing NFS problems
2.2.2ac7 still had the "copy a large file over NFS and NFS dies bug"
I tried a monolithic 2.2.3pre3 which fixed this bug--excellent :)

However, rpciod oopsed when I had 20 users working on their home
directories (which are mounted over NFS)

[2xPPro 200, 128MB, egcs-1.0.3, 3c905, BusLogic SCSI]


Output through ksymoops:

No modules in ksyms, skipping objects
No ksyms, skipping lsmod
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000034
current->tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 1
EIP: 0010:[<c0151296>]
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: 00000300 ebx: c0096c80 ecx: c0096c88 edx: c0096d28
esi: 00000000 edi: 00000000 ebp: c41adec4 esp: c70a3f98
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process rpciod (pid: 353, process nr: 29, stackpage=c70a3000)
Stack: 00000001 00000000 c038baa0 c0194554 c0096c88 c0096c88 00000000 00000000
00000001 c0194638 c0096c88 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 c70a2000
c0194bc1 00000100 c724fe44 c7240106 c70a5000 c0216500 c010793f c0216500
Call Trace: [<c0194554>] [<c0194638>] [<c0194bc1>] [<c010793f>]
Code: 8b 47 34 39 42 34 72 40 8b 47 2c 39 42 14 73 03 89 42 14 8b
Warning: trailing garbage ignored on Code: line
Text: 'Code: 8b 47 34 39 42 34 72 40 8b 47 2c 39 42 14 73 03 89 42 14 8b '
Garbage: ' '

>>EIP: c0151296 <nfs_wback_result+92/184>
Trace: c0194554 <__rpc_execute+1fc/208>
Trace: c0194638 <__rpc_schedule+d8/124>
Trace: c0194bc1 <rpciod+119/214>
Trace: c010793f <kernel_thread+23/30>
Code: c0151296 <nfs_wback_result+92/184> 00000000 <_EIP>:
Code: c0151296 <nfs_wback_result+92/184> 0: 8b 47 34
movl 0x34(%edi),%eax
Code: c0151299 <nfs_wback_result+95/184> 3: 39 42 34
cmpl %eax,0x34(%edx)
Code: c015129c <nfs_wback_result+98/184> 6: 72 40 jb
48 <_EIP+0x48> c01512de <nfs_wback_result+da/184>
Code: c015129e <nfs_wback_result+9a/184> 8: 8b 47 2c
movl 0x2c(%edi),%eax
Code: c01512a1 <nfs_wback_result+9d/184> b: 39 42 14
cmpl %eax,0x14(%edx)
Code: c01512a4 <nfs_wback_result+a0/184> e: 73 03
jae 13 <_EIP+0x13> c01512a9 <nfs_wback_result+a5/184>
Code: c01512a6 <nfs_wback_result+a2/184> 10: 89 42 14
movl %eax,0x14(%edx)
Code: c01512a9 <nfs_wback_result+a5/184> 13: 8b 00
movl (%eax),%eax

1 warning and 1 error issued. Results may not be reliable.

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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:50    [W:0.123 / U:0.136 seconds]
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