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SubjectRe: TCP window updates [Was: PROBLEM: Sending mail-attachment]
   Date: 	Mon, 8 Mar 1999 03:08:25 +0100 (CET)
From: Andrea Arcangeli <>

On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Matthias Moeller wrote:

>I still see a problem. What if only the first ACK (advertising
>the small window) gets through to the sender and the other ACKs
>get lost in network? Should'nt there be a timeout?

Yes. This patch should do the trick and it also allow us to not deadlock
in the nonblocking case. It has to be applyed on the top of DaveM's
previous patch.

Andrea I'm going to start ignoring your TCP patches because:

1) You continue to bundle them into larger and larger and
larger patches, because you believe all of your fixes
are correct, many of them are not. I refuse to have to
scan through a monster set of TCP changes just to see the
"new" fixes and you make some of the new fixes depend on
the existing cruft in your monster patches.

You cannot report fixes to me in this way, sorry.

2) You code too quickly without understanding the issues first.

In this case, do you understand how ACK's are supposed to be
unreliable and there are other mechanisms in TCP which deal with the
fact that they may be lost? No, so you tried to "fix" something which
was not broken. Perhaps you should add an ACK retransmit timer while
you are at it? That would fix the problem right?

Take a look some time at the kinds of patches I am putting into 2.2.x
TCP these days, small, well defined, and obviously correct. I'm not
rewriting the entire ACK'ing mechnaism when a carefully considered 2
line fix will do the same for example. And that is what will go into
2.2.x if I have anything to do with it, small well contained and well
defined fixes to TCP bugs, nothing more.

David S. Miller

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