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SubjectRE: MOSIX and kernel mods.
On Sat, 06 Mar 1999, Kamran Karimi wrote:
>> Why code a parallel application to be slow? If you are diving into
>> parallelism of any kind, the assumption is that you are looking for some
>> speed. For instance, you have decided that you have some tasks that
>> can take place at the same time; ie a calculation that can be distributed.
>> Why put all the effort into parallelization, which implicitly means
>> looking at classical critical section problems, deadlocks, etc for a
>> nice big slowdown? "Parallel for free" isn't good if it runs worse than
>> a non-parallel program. It would also stink to have someone have to start
>> over because the way the used an abstraction is horrible, but seemed
>> sensible at the time.
> You are confising distinct concepts. There is a difference between
>"distributed" and "parallel", even though for you and many other people
>the _only_ reason for gooing distributed is to make an application
>execute in parallel. This should not always be the case.

Would you mind giving a few examples what other benefits of going distributed
could be (and that are present when using DSM to distribute an application)?


Andrej Presern,

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