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SubjectRe: Kernel hard reboot in 2.0.36
On Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 11:50:30PM -0500, Robert Gash wrote:
> Here's the kicker: LOAD (Linux on a floppy) runs just fine for whatever I do,
> and when I boot to a normal installation option on the Debian instalation floppy
> I can mount filesystems and such just fine and use them as well, it only seems
> to do this when it's booting from a HD. I've also noted that it does behave a
> little better at it's rated speed, but sometimes it still goes boink (lots less
> often). It always happens right around the time it hits up the EIDE disks for
> fsck's. I've also noticed that 2.2.x will ALWAYS come up with a general
> protection fault when it starts to read the disks. I'm beginning to think it's
> not a CPU thing, but perhaps a bug I might have stumbled upon in the IDE code.
> And 2.2.x ALWAYS has the protection fault, no matter WHAT speed the CPU runs at.

so maybe you burned out your cpu... Does kernel 2.0.x work?

-- arvind

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