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    SubjectRe: glibc-2.1 upgrade headaches. Any ideas??
    Alex wrote the following:
    > I am having quite a problem with glibc-2.1. I am wondering if anyone has
    > encountered the following. I am running RedHat 5.2 with 2.2.1-ac6 kernel and I
    > upgraded my glibc-2.1. Upgrade went smooth without any errors.But now, when I want
    > to run menuconfig on linux-2.2.2 with ac-7, it is giving me a message:
    > "There seems to be a problem with the lxdialog companion utility which is
    > built prior Menuconfig. Usually this is an indication that you have upgraded/
    > downgraded your ncurses libraries and didn't remove the old ncurses. . . "
    > But I did remove it from /usr/include as well as any links pointing to ncurses.h
    > and recompiled ncurses again! But it is still complaining about it. I also ran
    > "make distclean" on /usr/src/linux directory as well as "make mrproper." But
    > alas, I am still getting it. I wanted to recompile my egcs-1.1.1 but it is failing

    This will be of no help to you whatsoever but I'm in a replying kinda
    mood. I had this exact same problem. This was with a glibc 2.0.10x
    version and I had recompiled ncurses. make menuconfig would not work.

    Eventually, I wound up trying it remotely (via telnet due to being out
    of the city at the time) and it worked. And it has worked ever since,
    despite multiple ncurses installs.

    > at the very end complainig that gcc is not working. But it does work, and I tested
    > it (with generic "hello world" program :). I am out of ideas and if anyone who
    > could help me out I would be V-E-R-Y appreciative. Thanks again. Alex

    This, I've never had happen.

    CaT ( URL:

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