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SubjectOops with user land nfs now.

Got an Oops with user land nfsd now, although this just killed
nfsd operations. The machine was still very mucy alive otherwise
allowing me to properly reboot it.

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address
current->tss.cr3 = 0f16c000, %cr3 = 0f16c000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c019c122>]
EFLAGS: 00010216
eax: 008c89c3 ebx: 00000104 ecx: d0008040 edx: 00000008
esi: 08c89c33 edi: 00000002 ebp: 00000010 esp: cf16bd60
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process rpc.nfsd (pid: 297, process nr: 21, stackpage=cf16b000)
Stack: 00000000 ca3b7080 d0006000 d0008040 d0004000 c9798a44 c9798a00
c018d9bb cffe05e0 00000901 cb58ac52 cb58ac54 00000002 cb58ac44
00000901 cb58ac52 cb58ac54 00000002 00000000 c019c56b 00000000
Call Trace: [<d0006000>] [<d0008040>] [<d0004000>] [<c018d9bb>]
[<c019c3c6>] [<c019c56b>] [<c018d9bb>]
[<c018da53>] [<c0186477>] [<c0125ac6>] [<c0125d03>] [<c011b6a4>]
[<c011ba42>] [<c011bdcd>] [<c011bd24>]
[<c01234ce>] [<c0108940>]
Code: 8b 03 8b 53 08 01 d0 39 c6 7c 1f 8b 59 04 85 db 75 18 56 68
Warning: trailing garbage ignored on Code: line
Text: 'Code: 8b 03 8b 53 08 01 d0 39 c6 7c 1f 8b 59 04 85 db 75 18 56 68
Garbage: ' '

>>EIP: c019c122 <raid0_map+8a/128>
Trace: d0006000 <_end+fd83a30/fda5a7c>
Trace: d0008040 <_end+fd85a70/fda5a7c>
Trace: d0004000 <_end+fd81a30/fda5a7c>
Trace: c018d9bb <md_map+3f/44>
Trace: c019c3c6 <map_and_make_request+26/48>
Trace: c018da53 <md_make_request+93/b0>
Trace: c011ba42 <do_generic_file_read+2d2/5b4>
Trace: c01234ce <sys_read+ae/c4>
Code: c019c122 <raid0_map+8a/128> 00000000 <_EIP>:
Code: c019c122 <raid0_map+8a/128> 0: 8b 03
movl (%ebx),%eax
Code: c019c124 <raid0_map+8c/128> 2: 8b 53 08
movl 0x8(%ebx),%edx
Code: c019c127 <raid0_map+8f/128> 5: 01 d0
addl %edx,%eax
Code: c019c129 <raid0_map+91/128> 7: 39 c6
cmpl %eax,%esi
Code: c019c12b <raid0_map+93/128> 9: 7c 1f jl
2a <_EIP+0x2a> c019c14c <raid0_map+b4/128>
Code: c019c12d <raid0_map+95/128> b: 8b 59 04
movl 0x4(%ecx),%ebx
Code: c019c130 <raid0_map+98/128> e: 85 db
testl %ebx,%ebx
Code: c019c132 <raid0_map+9a/128> 10: 75 18
jne 2a <_EIP+0x2a> c019c14c <raid0_map+b4/128>
Code: c019c134 <raid0_map+9c/128> 12: 56
pushl %esi
Code: c019c135 <raid0_map+9d/128> 13: 68 00 00 00 00
pushl $0x0

2 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.

Thank You
Jeremy Hansen

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