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SubjectRe: GNU/Linux
Richard Stallman wrote:
> When talking about a Linux-based version of the GNU operating system,
> it's only fair to use GNU in the name. It's not a legal requirement;
> unlike the BSD developers, I'm not trying to force you. I'm asking
> you to do it voluntarily.

How do you define "a Linux-based version of the GNU operating system."?

Correct me if I'm wrong here:

Linux is a POSiX compliant (or nearly so) OS written in C and built
using GNU tools. It is not "the" GNU OS, now or ever.

"The GNU operating system" is the as-yet incomplete HURD, which had
little or no connection to Linux.

If the above are correct, I missed the point. Forgive my newness here -
I have only been involved in Linux for a very short time, with GNU tools
only a little longer.

Please reply to the list - I'm on it and need no extra copies of the
replies. Thanks.begin:vcard
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