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Subject[solved] Re: Kernel Panic - try passing init= to kernel
On Mar 2,  4:20pm, Alan Olsen wrote:
> Subject: Kernel Panic - try passing init= to kernel
> Here is an odd problem...
> I have version 2.2.2 installed. I added a scsi card into a working system
> an onboard scsi controller. The board on the pci bus insists on coming up
> first even though the on board bios is the one set to boot and is the first
> come up. (This scsi drive has a couple of i386 solaris partitions I am
> to recover.) Is it possible to force the order of the controllers?
> When this scsi card is on and bootable, it generates a message that says
> "Unable to find console. Try passing init= to kernel.".

I found what was causing the problem.

I had two scsi cards set to the same scsi host id. Double plus ungood as they
say in the Microsoft world.

Another problem I have seen before with scsi. Not certain if there is a clean
work around other than "don't do that". If you have a scsi card compiled into
the kernel and as a module (left over from a previous build), the kernel tends
to see the card twice and then choke and die. It would be nice (though I am
not holding my breath) to have the module check to see if that functionality
exists in the kernel already and refuse to load. (With apreopreate error
message of course.)

Alan Olsen "Carpe Aptenodytes!"

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