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SubjectRe: Linux kernel 2.2.4 and lilo <> wrote:
> I just compiled the latest kernel 2.2.4 OK but when I 'make zlilo' I
> get a message about the kernel being too big and should try bzImage or
> modules.

The older 'zImage' loader loads the kernel into low memory (DOS 640K
mem) and then uncompresses it into extended memory. The newer 'bzImage'
loader uncompresses the kernel as it loads, so there is no size
restriction of requiring the kernel to be a compressed image smaller
than 640K.

You can use the newer loader by specifying 'make bzlilo' instead of
'make zlilo'.

However, the new loader doesn't work on every system; there are
occasional strange compatibility issues. If you find them, please
report them to the list.

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