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SubjectRe: NR_OPEN vs OPEN_MAX vs RLIMIT_NOFILE, and a glibc bug?
Olaf Titz <> writes:

|> > No, I don't have a patched kernel. Actually, I don't think there are over
|> > 1000 thousand file descriptors, just that there are over 1000 errors about
|> > them.
|> >
|> > It is like:
|> > ---------
|> > [some lines clipped.. if anyone wants a full log, email me]
|> > close(3) = 0
|> > munmap(0x400b3000, 4096) = 0
|> > getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, {rlim_cur=1024, rlim_max=1024}) = 0
|> > close(1023) = -1 EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
|> So your library, which obviously (s.b.) is libc6, implements
|> getdtablesize() by way of rlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE), and both limits of
|> that resource are set to 1024. (Btw. on my system the hard limit is
|> 1024 and the soft limit 256, I'm too lazy to check where it was set
|> just now.)
|> In order to do what it means, the library has to use the hard limit,
|> IMHO. But I'm not sure if this is exactly correct, however:
|> getdtablesize() should return the limit on fd numbers, and
|> RLIMIT_NOFIE specifies how many fds can be used, no matter what their
|> numbers. I.e. if I open 1023 fds, then close fds 0 to 1000, then lower
|> the _hard_ RLIMIT_NOFILE to 256, this should be OK because I have just
|> 23 open fds, but they are numbered 1001..1023 which is well above what
|> getdtablesize() subsequently returns.

Both getdtablesize and RLIMIT_NOFILE are only relevant for newly opened
descriptors. See f.ex. the manual page on SunOS4:

The call getdtablesize() returns the current value of the
soft limit component of the RLIMIT_NOFILE resource limit.
This resource limit governs the maximum value allowable as
the index of a newly created descriptor.

This means that in your szenario you would still be able to use all
descriptors, but dup2(1001,1000) would fail, and dup2(1001,255) would not.

Andreas Schwab "And now for something completely different"

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