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SubjectRe: A mistake in Documentation/Changes
>  Q> Older versions of sysklogd sometimes segfault under 2.2 kernels.
> Q> Upgrading to the latest release fixes that problem as well as
> Q> adding support for new features like system power-off on halt
> Q> (with appropriate incantations of halt; see the man page) and
> Q> automatic decoding of kernel oopses.
> I think the mistake here is one of grammer rather than anything else,
> so would suggest the following rewrite of the above:
> Q> Older versions of sysklogd sometimes segfault under 2.2 kernels.
> Q> Upgrading to the latest release fixes that problem, as would
> Q> adding support for new features like system power-off on halt
> Q> (with appropriate incantations of halt; see the man page) and
> Q> automatic decoding of kernel oopses.

I think I'm missing the point. How does adding new poweroff support fix
the sysklogd problem? AFAIK this is not related at all, new sysklogd is
needed for the %% and such things.

And in your version the last part about deconding of the kernel oopses
seems to be about the poweroff (grammatically), not about the upgrade.
This can be misleading as well.

Meelis Roos (

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