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SubjectRe: Programatically scrolling VCs?
On Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 01:41:45PM -0800, Osborn, Loren wrote:
> I have a question that I was going to ask before on this list, but never got
> around to it.
> I am working on a version of gpm to support mice with the now infamous
> "wheel"
> (or wheels). I am looking for a way for a userlevel program (gpm) to
> progammatically scroll-(back/forward) the current virtual console. Any help
> would be appreciated...

There is no support for this (at the moment). ISO 6429 (aka ECMA-48)
defines terminal control sequences to scroll in "page memory" upwards,
downwards, left and right. (See I have started to
implement missing pieces from ISO 6429 (CBT, CHT, CVT, ...) but so far i
haven't touched any substantial code (like implementing page memory would
mean), especially since i want to avoid any clashes with the plans to make
the console code ISO 2022 compliant.

My best sugestion at the moment would be to use the mouse wheel for
selection of text. That shouldn't be too difficult and would be most
helpful for trackball users with a wheel. You will also want to check how
XFree86 handles the wheel, so that there won't be different usage depending
on wether a program is run in a xterm or on the console.

Dominik Kubla

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