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SubjectRe: Linux-2.2.4..
On Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 08:26:42PM -0500, Jeff Millar wrote:

> The mirrors don't get a copy of the upload very fast...sometimes it
> seems like days. Often the first mirror to get a new kernel isn't
> even

Why _should_ be the first to get the new kernel?

> Maybe Linus should hold off on the announcement until the mirrors have
> a change to catch up?...on the existential theory that if a kernel isn't
> available is it really "out there"?

I've often thought that, but OTOH it probably isn't really practical. The only
thing that really bugs me is trying to grab the pre-patches: by the time
they've arrived at a local mirror or I've managed to actually get onto, they tend to have been superceded, often by the final patch.
Which kind of defeats the point of making the pre-patches available so people
can test for problems before the final release.

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