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    SubjectRe: lots of 2.2.4 oopses
    On Wednesday, 24 March 1999 at 20:00, Alan Cox wrote:
    > > Mar 24 10:36:06 zooropa kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request
    > > at virtual address 2c302c39
    > "LPLY"
    > I wonder what that was part of. More interestingly what was it doing there.
    > > Mar 24 10:36:08 zooropa kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request
    > > at virtual address 2c302c39
    > "LPLY" again - is this from the same sequence of crashes before a reboot ?
    > Is everyone who is having 2.2.4 crash on them using egcs ?

    My machine spontaneously rebooted after 17 hours of light use (plus
    rc5). Nothing peculiar was in the logs - it was like the reset button
    was hit (oh wait ... :) )

    I compiled it with egcs-1.1.2.
    It is the 2.2.4 SMP kernel on a dual PII/350 system. Other data:

    * lm_sensors 2.2.2 installed (I mention it because it looks like it
    was involved in an oops under 2.2.3)
    * alsa-0.3.0-pre4 installed for an es1370.
    * matroxfb running a G200

    I'll attach the oops as well.

    This isn't a cry for help, just a datapoint for some smart person who
    can put 1535 and 265623 together.


    PS what is LPLY?
    Brendan Cully <>
    "I hope I don't win
    The rules say to bring a friend
    I don't have any"
    Options used: -V (default)
    -o /lib/modules/2.2.3/ (default)
    -k /proc/ksyms (default)
    -l /proc/modules (default)
    -m /usr/src/linux/ (default)
    -c 1 (default)

    You did not tell me where to find symbol information. I will assume
    that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running right now
    and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
    If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
    more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
    map, modules, ksyms etc. ksymoops -h explains the options.

    CPU: 1
    EIP: 0010:[<c8860e10>]
    EFLAGS: 00010256
    eax: 00149970 ebx: 00000000 ecx: 000000ff edx: 00000000
    esi: 00000098 edi: c5631e70 ebp: 00000002 esp: c5631e30
    ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
    Process wmsensors (pid: 305, process nr: 49, stackpage=c5631000)
    Stack: bffff870 c5631e74 c7b54158 00000000 c885e73d c7b54120 00000002 0000044e
    c5631e70 c5631e74 c79c9668 bffff870 c79c9668 00000000 c7b54120 c8860d4c
    00000014 00000000 00000440 fffffff6 00000015 00000040 c014988b 00000024
    Call Trace: [<c014988b>] [<c0149023>] [<c0149ed1>] [<c011abb9>] [<c0166d64>] [<c011ab21>] [<c011a8fb>]
    [<c011a99f>] [<c01097cc>] [<c010002b>]
    Code: f7 fb 89 c1 eb 0f 31 c9 eb 0b 8d b6 00 00 00 00 b9 ff ff ff

    >>EIP: c8860e10 <cleanup_module+d024/24260>
    Trace: c014988b <alloc_skb+83/f0>
    Trace: c0149023 <sock_wmalloc+23/48>
    Trace: c0149ed1 <memcpy_fromiovec+39/68>
    Trace: c011abb9 <do_sysctl_strategy+75/138>
    Trace: c0166d64 <unix_stream_sendmsg+0/274>
    Trace: c011ab21 <parse_table+d9/fc>
    Trace: c011a8fb <do_sysctl+73/a8>
    Trace: c011a99f <sys_sysctl+6f/90>
    Code: c8860e10 <cleanup_module+d024/24260> 00000000 <_EIP>:
    Code: c8860e10 <cleanup_module+d024/24260> 0: f7 fb idivl %ebx,%eax
    Code: c8860e12 <cleanup_module+d026/24260> 2: 89 c1 movl %eax,%ecx
    Code: c8860e14 <cleanup_module+d028/24260> 4: eb 0f jmp 15 <_EIP+0x15> c8860e25 <cleanup_module+d039/24260>
    Code: c8860e16 <cleanup_module+d02a/24260> 6: 31 c9 xorl %ecx,%ecx
    Code: c8860e18 <cleanup_module+d02c/24260> 8: eb 0b jmp 15 <_EIP+0x15> c8860e25 <cleanup_module+d039/24260>
    Code: c8860e1a <cleanup_module+d02e/24260> a: 8d b6 00 00 00 leal 0x0(%esi),%esi
    Code: c8860e1f <cleanup_module+d033/24260> f: 00
    Code: c8860e20 <cleanup_module+d034/24260> 10: b9 ff ff ff 00 movl $0xffffff,%ecx

    728 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.
     \ /
      Last update: 2005-03-22 13:51    [W:4.064 / U:0.024 seconds]
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