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SubjectRe: Kernel's or RedHat's fault? (dump)
> I tried to "dump 0f /mnt/misc /" but [...] dump asked me for a new volume 

dump. the model of consistency. you missed the s 100000 option.
generally, when dumping...

Linux: [r]dump 0usf 1000000 [output] [partition]
Solaris: ufsdump 0ubf 1000000 [output] [partition]
Ultrix: [r]dump 0ousf 1000000 [output] [partition]
OSF/1: vdump 0usf 1000000 [output] [partition] (incompatible format, advfs,
not r-dumpable)
[r]dump 0usf 1000000 [output] [partition] (std format, non-advfs)
Others: [r]dump 0usf 1000000 [output] [partition]

Under all of the above, you can omit the 's' and 1000000 if you output to
standard output ("-").

Don't you just love consistency? (oh, linux is separate from "others" above
since it is /sbin/dump not /etc/dump, I missed all the weird and wonderful
locations people choose to put dump from the above list)

rdump is of course a horrible thing, dump|ssh is far better/faster/more likely
to succeed with current ext2 dump (rdump takes longer and hence more often
gets confused by changes to the fs while dumping).


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